8 Words for nature lovers

Are you a naturalist? And wants to tell other about it correctly. Obviously explaining yourself in the precise and factual way leaves a positive impact on others. If you appreciate the beauty of nature you should be aware of some good words about nature lovers. No need to be left floundering, because these 8 words for nature lovers are exactly the words you are searching for. Let's start


Ecologist meaning
An ecologist is a person who is concerned with the ecosystem as a whole. You can call yourself an ecologist because ecology is all about learning and studying plants, animals, and people. Ecologist can be the most attractive word for describing a naturalist personality.


Meaning of tree hugger
We all love to hug something that we purely love. So isn't it good for you to be called a Tree-hugger? This word is used for those who love to be in between trees and likes greenery. The person purely in love with trees and plants. 

Green Panther
Meaning of green panther
Green Panther is used as a synonym of nature lover. Green Panther is the one who looks deep in nature and understands its beauty so thoroughly, also adopts the pace of nature. If you want to be called a pure nature lover then you can call yourself Green Panther.

Green Activist 
Meaning of green activist
Perfect word for a nature lover, the person who loves to get involved in natural activities is called Green Activist. If you are someone who loves trees and want to save every tree around you then are a Green Activist. It is a beautiful word to explain the love of nature in your personality. 

Meaning of greenie
It’s a very cute and small word for a nature lover. Greenie refers to the person who keeps contributing for the betterment of trees. Environmentalists can be a Greenie because environmentalists take part in green activities and save trees. 

Yoghurt knitter
Youghurt knitter
Yoghurt Knitter is a fantastic word for expressing the personality of nature lover. This word is used for persons who are naturalists in one or another way. Yoghurt Knitter word shows decency of a person who feels a strong connection with nature. 

Meaning of Nemophilist
Its a most suitable word for the nature lover. Nemophilist is basically used to describe a person who loves nature and forests. Nemophilist can be used for one who is a great fond of nature, Use Nemophilist to express your love for forests and trees around you.

Do not hesitate to use the word Dendrophile if you are a nature lover. Dendrophile refers to a person who loves trees a lot and love being surrounded by trees. The literal meaning of Dendrophilia is the love of trees. As a nature lover, you can use this word for a person who loves forests full of tree. 


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